how much did you water bill jump using


Active Member
a RO or RO/DI system? I have been looking into one, but now I realize that the water has to run for several hours to create the RO, RO/DI. So how much has your water bill gone up? I am thinking seriously high :scared:


Active Member
Maybe, $5-$10 a quater (every three months) not bad. Better than buying all that water all the time :joy:


Active Member
Not really. Here we are charged $ 9.00 for every 1000 gls used on the bill plus any taxes.
It does not matter how long the filter runs its the total amount of water you use. So... If you use a filter rated at 100 gpd and you use 25 gls of filtered water for water changes twice a month then.....
It will take the filter 6 hrs to give you 25 gls, waste is normaly 4 to 1 so 100 gls wasted down the drain. Total 125 gls of water for a 25 gl change twice a month is 250g each month. So it would take four months to add 1000 gls to the meter to add the $ 9.00 on the bill.


my water bill went up about 5 bucks a month.. again better than buying and hauling home from LFS. or buying ro water from machine.. Its very convienient and worth it..


Active Member
naw cause it shouldnt just RUN all the time. if you turn your tank on and off then it will only produce while on. If you use it like I do with a tank in the line it fills up the 4 gallon tank and is off cause it can't put more water in its self. (automatic shut off valve) Yeah some units that I looked up can use 2 gallons to make one RO but it will only do it while you have the unit on!!


I have not really noticed any real change in my water bill 50 to a 100 gals a mounth is really not that much. I waste more than that running the hose while washing the car. No thats not wastefull since it has been raining 45 of the last 50.....days here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chevcam
I have not really noticed any real change in my water bill 50 to a 100 gals a mounth is really not that much. I waste more than that running the hose while washing the car. No thats not wastefull since it has been raining 45 of the last 50.....days here.
yep thats all that it does in OR


Active Member
like others, I haven't seen a big increase. just know that when you're not running RO water, turn the unit off. if not, it will constantly be making waste water, which will increase your bill.