how much does it cost to have a 55gal tank?



It all depends if the equipment is new or used, and what brands because the prices vary. New probably like $1000 plus, but used you could probably get it for like half that.
I guess that depends if you want to cut corners or go all out. If were talking 100% pure live sand and 100% pure cured Live rock, with Metal halides ( assuming this will be a reef) high end skimmer, high end filtration, high end powerheads, you could be looking at around 2,500.00 when you get your starter corals and starter fish.
That of course is just a estimate. In my 75 reef I have spent 4,000.00 and it's not really even done.
It really just depends if you go high end or medium ( or low of course
) and whether or not its FOWLR, reef, species only.

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.


tank check the local papers/ craigslist you can find tanks cheap sometimes they will have some stuff with them i got my 100 gal tank /stand for 150
heater will run about 20-30
skimmer 100-300 depends on brand
live rock runs about 3-5 a pound the amount you would need is what kind of tank you want just fish/fish coral
live sand get dead sand cost a lot less and a 20 pound bad of live sand for about 30 bucks it will seed the dead sand and make it live sand also
filter well that a opened end question.
dont forget
test kits 30
salt about 50
lights again depends on whats in the tank
also buy biozyme and nitomax it a nitrifying bacteria booster to help get the tank cycled faster


Active Member
Craigs list is a good idea for beginners. You can save serious $ buying supplies from online retailers. The real cost comes after you become addicted and have to upgrade or get a 2nd tank. But, the best money I've ever spent (on myself)...cheaper than all the therapy I avoid!
Originally Posted by horsemen
tank check the local papers/ craigslist you can find tanks cheap sometimes they will have some stuff with them i got my 100 gal tank /stand for 150
heater will run about 20-30
skimmer 100-300 depends on brand
live rock runs about 3-5 a pound the amount you would need is what kind of tank you want just fish/fish coral
live sand get dead sand cost a lot less and a 20 pound bad of live sand for about 30 bucks it will seed the dead sand and make it live sand also
filter well that a opened end question.
dont forget
test kits 30
salt about 50
lights again depends on whats in the tank
also buy biozyme and nitomax it a nitrifying bacteria booster to help get the tank cycled faster
3-5 a pound! wow, the lowest you can find anywhere in NY is 7, and that's if you buy like #50


Active Member
Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
3-5 a pound! wow, the lowest you can find anywhere in NY is 7, and that's if you buy like #50
LR at good online sources is great...and much cheaper. Even with shipping, figure no sales tax & gas cost; there is no comparison.


Active Member
Originally Posted by horsemen
also buy biozyme and nitomax it a nitrifying bacteria booster to help get the tank cycled faster
Save your money on that. Your tank will cycle in it's own time with a deli shrimp. The Biospira stuff doesn't speed up anything or if it does, you'll win maybe a day or two and that is nothing.


I bought most of my stuff on craigslist. So everything was way below market value. Here is what I got and I will give you a final cost at the end.
55 gallon tank
2x175w M, 2xflourescent actinics
JBL auto top off
Temperature regulator
2 heaters
Aqua C EV-120 w/ Quiet one 6000 pump
over flow box
wet dry w/canister filters
90 lbs LR
25 lbs LS
2 power heads
Iwaki pump
2x fish
4 frags
1 large coral
RO/DI water maker
6 x 5 gallon buckets
salt and all of the test kits, calcium/alkalinity dosing
I got all of this, most on Craigslist, and had to buy some it new or on ----, but I have spend 1400-1600 so far. This includeds 200-300 that I spent at lows to refinish the stand and a lot of pvc and misc. tools to fix everything up really nice.
If you put the time into it and you can probably get everything you need cheaper, but not too much. This is a very expensive hobby.


Active Member
I'm not even going to calculate how much our 55g tank was once it was up and running. Our 75 is going to be worse and 150g we won't even talk about


Buy as much equipment, ESPECIALLY live rock from local aquarists. look online for groups and clubs for saltwater aquarium people in you community. Or look on here, you can usually find live rock for around 2.50 to 3 dollars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
Buy as much equipment, ESPECIALLY live rock from local aquarists. look online for groups and clubs for saltwater aquarium people in you community. Or look on here, you can usually find live rock for around 2.50 to 3 dollars.
This is probably the best bit of advice you can get. We made the mistake of finding a club in our area AFTER we had spent a c r a p load of money on equipment and could have gotten away with less and done a *smarter* system to begin with (sump for example). Also once you get to know the people in your club you can trust their word a little bit more than you can of people on Craigslist who are there just to sell their stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
criagslist definatley
Craigs List & local groups are great; but I live out in the boonies and most deals are too far away. Craigs list is also a great place to find someone to share a SWF.COM order--with the $79 minimum. Sharing costs really makes online ordering fish & supplies that much cheaper.
I just bought an entire setup (except live rock) for $200. Thats a 55g, stand, canopy, coralife power compact, fluval filter, two powerheads, heater, and live sand. Craigslist saved my wallet....


Youre in Los Angeles, check our recycler . com under pets/aquarium. Similar to craigslist but tons of used aquariums specific to the LA area.
As for your question - My 50gal has cost me around $1300. I would be around $1000 but my original tank sprung a leak after I added more LR, so I had to spring an extra $300 for a new tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by mike27t
Youre in Los Angeles, check our recycler . com under pets/aquarium. Similar to craigslist but tons of used aquariums specific to the LA area.
As for your question - My 50gal has cost me around $1300. I would be around $1000 but my original tank sprung a leak after I added more LR, so I had to spring an extra $300 for a new tank
$300 just for a 55 gal tank? At that price, they should throw in a Clarion Angel....or is that just typical So.Cal. price? (No offense intended.) Glasscages, great tanks (IMO) will deliver one to L.A. for $125, including tax.