How much fish is to much fish?

I have a 75 g tank however I have 2 lionfish; 1 clown; 6 Tangs; 1 Pajama cardinal; 1 snow flake eel; 1 Stingray I was wondering if that is ok or to much


Active Member
Here is one vote for overstocked. I would at least think about cutting down the tang population.


Active Member
6 tangs, an eel, 2 lions, AND a stingray? in a 75? I don't even think LFS stock that bad....


Active Member
Must be a farely small stingray...I wouldn't think one would fit and be able to move much at all in a 75. I saw one in a 700gal that looked pretty happy. Maybe thats something to shoot for.


Active Member
oh we go again. too many fish for tank. The stingray will do nothing but grow then I would be concerned where he will go to. If nothing else one of those lions will get you when you try to remove the ray. Hope the fish spots are going away. good luck


Active Member
wow all those fish in one 75 gallon? i wouldnt even put all those fish into a 200 gallon!!!
6 TANGS???


Active Member
I can't believe that you would buy all those fish without doing your homework on their needs first. Maybe one tang and one lion and one or two other fish in there that are to big to be eaten by the lion when he gets full grown are all you can do in a 75 gallon. In saltwater you really should not go above 1 inch of fish length (adult size even if they are small now) for each two and one half to three gallons of water. Half that amount in a mixed reef set up, and half that when the tank is newly set up. I know stocking levels are a lot higher in fresh water, but this is saltwater. Lesley

Originally posted by jwtrojan44
You're a new member so welcome to the board. If this is truly the stocking level in your tank, then yes you are overstocked. I'd be curious as to how long your tank has been this way and who told you this was acceptable. At the risk of sounding jaded, I would also question the legitimacy of your post. There is such a thing called a troll. Someone who posts to intentionally get a strong reaction from other members. On fish boards, these posts usually come across in similar fashion as yours. If your situation is real, (and this will be evident from your response or lack thereof) then please sit back and listen to many experienced hobbyists who can help you out. If the post was meant to draw fire, then please refrain from furthering the matter. I see you also posted in the disease forum that your fish have little white spots. Again, no surprise, but I'm thinking your tank would not be able to sustain this fish population for more than a few days before many of them simply died.

I have had that many fish in it for about 3 weeks and none of them have died yet. Maybe you could tell me how many fish can I put per gallon and then maybe that will help. And the stringray was not my idea, but he seems to be doing well.

Originally posted by troubledfemale
I have had that many fish in it for about 3 weeks and none of them have died yet. Maybe you could tell me how many fish can I put per gallon and then maybe that will help. And the stringray was not my idea, but he seems to be doing well.



I wish the answer was as simple as your question (how many fish per gallon).
size DOES matter here......
plus compatibility of the fish.
plus swiming room....
Finally it is better to ask first, and act later....


By the way, your fish WILL die a horrible death. I sorry to say so but the only right thing to do is to take back 1 lion, 5 tangs, 1 sting ray


How can they swim? Comfortable? I also would like to see a picture, just out of curiosity. No body is trying to flame you btw, it just seems you got some terrible advice as to whats approriate stocking. Which fish is your favorite? Keep it, unless it's the ray it definatly cannot survive (thrive) in your tank. Keep 1 tang only. I belive the general rule is 1'' of fish per 5 gallon, at least thats what I try to go by.

Originally posted by moopiespoo
How can they swim? Comfortable? I also would like to see a picture, just out of curiosity. No body is trying to flame you btw, it just seems you got some terrible advice as to whats approriate stocking. Which fish is your favorite? Keep it, unless it's the ray it definatly cannot survive (thrive) in your tank. Keep 1 tang only. I belive the general rule is 1'' of fish per 5 gallon, at least thats what I try to go by.

Moopiespoo - from this post you are obviously very patient and rational. You must be such a good Mommy and caretaker! I assume people that post questions here are in need of helpful advice, and they appreciate sensitivity. :) I had no idea until I happened on this site that you could overstock a tank, and I also thought ***** knew what they were doing...