How Much How Often Water Changes?


What size tank do you have and how many fish do you have?
THe more fish, (the bigger the bioload) the more frequent you will have to do water changes.
I am currently doing 16-18 gallons a week, i was doing 4 gallons a week but that was not good enough seeing how i have a 75 gallon tank, and i have a trigger and an eel in there that put out a lot of waste.
My NO3 levels a pretty high, so im trying to get them in check.


New Member
10% every Saturday. It depends on the bio load. Size, number and types of fish. Let Nitrate readings be your guide.


Active Member
I only have a small bioload in my tank, but I do 6 gallons every week in my 70 gallon tank. Why? Trace elements... Water changes not only get rid of nitrates but they add stuff that gets used up by your tank.


And do you use a vacum and pull the water from the bottom of the tank vacuming the sand while you drain your water? Or does that stir up to much sand?


Active Member
I don't touch the sand. I have huge water volume turnover in the tank, my sand dribbles around slowly, keeping itself clean. I also have a pistol shrimp and a watchman goby that move it around. Plus some Nassarius snails that burrow in the sand.