How much is too much light?

I have a 180g, 6ft wide tank, 250#'s LR 100#'s of LS. I have three different types of light on my tank. On the left side I have a 250w 20k double ended MH, in the middle I have a 400w 14k single ended retro, and on the left I have a 250w 10k retro. My question is this....What are the signs of having too much light? I've run my system with the 400w on and off, and I like the way the tank looks with it on. Is the only downside my electric bill? ( I do have a 1/3 horse chiller) Should I run all the same type bulbs, 10k, 20k etc?
Everything in my tank is doing well, just curious on some opinions. THANKS!!


I am probably not the best source for information reguarding this question, but imo as long as your temperture is not spuratic and your not having an algea problem more power to you!
(i would like to see some pictures of this tank, sounds like a nice set up)