How much is Too much?


I have a 90 gallon reef tank. Is there a rule of thumb on how many fish you can have per gallon? What do you think the max is for my tank? Thanks.


Active Member
It really depends on the fish you choose, but I have found that 1 fish per 10g to be a fairly accurate rule of thumb for a reef tank.


Active Member
i have 90g...i have 6 fishies...scopas tang, orange shoulder tang, randalli goby, 2 black&white clowns, yellow foxface...everything is going great....nitrates and phosphates always below 10 and 0...never have any algae problems..


Active Member
Really depends on your cleaning schedule, filtration, size of fish, feeding schedule, etc.
Less can be more though


Active Member
it also depends on how many corals you will have......what kind of fish...aggressiveness. The size of the fish......if they are territorial. It is not as simple as freshwater for sure......and you will find opinions will differ a ton on the subject. why don't you give us an idea of what you would like first and then we can help you tweak it a bit...


Active Member
there isnt a concrete answer. how about u list the fish u'd like to hv, then perhaps we can tell u whether its viable.


Thanks everybody!.
I currently have
2 clowns (1 cinnamon , 1 clarki)
1 yellow tang
1 foxface rabbitfish
2 chromis
1 blue/ yellow damsel
and a lot of cleaning crew.
I want to add maybe a fish or two more. not sure what yet.
Suggestions would be great.