how much is too much...


what's the maximum shrimps i can put in my 55 FOWLR
so far i got 2 cleaner and 2 camelbacks... i was thinking of adding 2 more peppermint since they are 2 for $10.. let me know if this is feasible...


I would say add two more and then stop, just make sure you don't have a crustecean eatin' fish like a puffer or hawk, b/c they will be gone.

madd catt

Also if you plan to have more invertabrates make sure that there is enough room for them too.Hmm if you have any crabs make sure the wont go after the shrimp.


thanks, i will be making the purchase tomorrow... also, i'll only be putting 2 or 3 emerald crab in there and that will be it...
thanks for the input...

aqua blue


Originally posted by JawFish177
what's the maximum shrimps i can put in my 55 FOWLR
so far i got 2 cleaner and 2 camelbacks... i was thinking of adding 2 more peppermint since they are 2 for $10.. let me know if this is feasible...

I was just wondering how the Maroon Clowns and the Coral Beauty get along in your 29 gallon Reef Tank?
Those are two of the fish I would like to add sometime in the future.


they squabble once in a while but nothing serious... overall, they are both doing great... the coral beauty spends most of his days just grazing and the maroons just cuddle all day long with their host anemone...