how much light is right?


i just noticed yesterday that i started to get brown algae on some of my lr. i have the light on about 10 hours . is this too long ? i use ro water and only have floresecent lighting for now. the tank has been running for about six weeks now


It is natural to get a algea bloom on a new could try cutting back on the lights..... How many watts of light? How does your water test? Any fish in there yet?


A brown algae bloom happens to all new tanks, but I've heard you should have the lights on for a max 8 hours a day.


Active Member
What kind of lights are they? Wattage? spectrum? Everybody is right, probably a diatom bloom. I run my PCs for 10 hrs no problem.


Originally Posted by Johnzo
It is natural to get a algea bloom on a new could try cutting back on the lights..... How many watts of light? How does your water test? Any fish in there yet?
i have a 120g tank with three chromis , 1 percula and a royal gramma. Ihave two 48' 50/50 flouresecents. as for the water , my parameters all all good. my phosphate kit ran out so i have to get it tested this week. I also noticed some algae spots are begining to form on the sand . whats the best way to prevent these from forming in the sand? fo i need to get sand siffting fish or hermits? as for the LR , is it ok to take it out and brush off the algae?


Active Member
I wouldn't worry to much the diatoms are standard in a new tank. For sand cleaning I haven't found anything better then conches. I have 2 and my sand has never been so clean. What other cleaning crew do you have?


Originally Posted by TurningTim
I wouldn't worry to much the diatoms are standard in a new tank. For sand cleaning I haven't found anything better then conches. I have 2 and my sand has never been so clean. What other cleaning crew do you have?
i havent purchased a cleaning crew yet as my tank is onyl six week running and barely have fish in there. i intend to get some this week. can you recommend at cleaning crew ?thanks


My question with yours. 125gal all so flourescents:2 20w 03actinics,40w: 1 12000k ,1 10000k,1 5000k, 2 6500k, 1 vitalite, and 8 470nm led nightlites. actinics on at 7am to 9 pm, others on at 8 am to 8 pm, nightlites from 9pm to 7am. Is this too much? (all on digital timers). The coral seem to love it, but do have brown algae. Am=0, ni=0, na=10 to 15, alk =14dKh ca=450 to 500, Io=.03 to .06, sg =1.025, temp=77f,LR=100+lbs


Active Member
sarwiz, what you phosphate? and your alk is a little high. Maybe cut back on the main lights by 2 hours. I run mine (PCs) from noon to ten. How old is your tank?
Peter, Check here for clean-up crew, they have packages that will work well. Hermits will get the extra food, snails glass, rock, sand, but again I have great luck with my conches. They do a fantastic job on my sand. I also have a Lawn mover blenny that does great with hair algea. I got a couple of electric blue hermits that are suppose to eat cyno but I change a couple more things in my set-up so I really don't know if it was them or other changes.


Active Member
You got it! The diatoms will clear, no worries there. Keep an eye on phosphates that is one of the things that will feed algea, along with trates and keep the alk in the right parameters and you should be fine.
As far as the lights go I guess I would question the 5000k and what spectrum your putting in there. Don't really know if that is a problem or not?