How much light is to much?


I run an Orbit with 4 X130 bulbs on a 90 gallon tank. this is 5.7 watts per gallon. I am seeing bleaching of some corals. Is this 5.7 watts to much light.


Active Member
we have nearly 9 WPG on ours
BTW WPG is a really crappy way to judge lighting.
it is only usfull when talking about lighting in the most basic of terms.


Active Member
Did you acclimate the light to the tank?? Any time you increase the lighting you need to acclimate the tank. Back the lights off to about 1/2 normal run time. So if you were running 10hours... start the new lights at 5hours and slowly go up from there over several weeks.
fwiw I have 9.3wpg on my 110g...


I have 11 wpg on my nano and the only thing that showed any signs of bleaching is my brain and a few ricordiea's.