Originally Posted by fishstick4sale
i think 2 over a 40 is way to much in my opinion but eh iono rule of thumb so they say is 5watts per gallon max.
do you realize using a 5w/gallon max rule would limit everyone with a 55g and smaller to either 70w bulbs or a single 250w to cover the whole tank (or some odd combination like 150w on one side and a 70w on the other to stay below 5w/gallon
my two 150w halides over my 30g for example would be double the limit.
I dont know what the rules of thumbs are for flourescents but the relavent "general" rules of thumb for halides are:
0-17" high use 150/175w
18-24" 250w
24+" 400w
for adequate full penetration
one halide for every two square feet for full lateral coverage (or one per up to 3ft sq with the use of advance reflectors at the expense of raising them and sacraficing some intensity. no aquarium reflectors are designed to cover more than a 3ft sq area).
they are "general" rules because they are meant to be broken at the users discretion and competency to make do with more or less.
it doesn't matter if its a 40g or a 400g if its at that height range between 16-20" like a breeder your close enough to that transitional zone where 150-250w are acceptable, the only thing to determine afterwards is how many you need for full coverage based on length and front to back dimensions.