How much light is too much?


I got the 36" Current USA PowerCompact Orbit 4x96 watt SunPaq w/ Lunar Light (382 Watts total) for my 46 G bowfront...
How much light is too much light for some of the lower light corals like mushrooms & zoos?


I have been trying to get a staight answer myself.
I have a 48" satillite for my 60g, and I want to get 2 - 30" satillites for a 90g long.
My Porc puffer seems a little sensitive (but he has been sick).
LFS saya it makes a difference how deep (or tall) your tank is.
I found good info at another site. Gina's Aquarium supply or something.
It says our lights are good for LR and some corals, but only in certain size tanks.
Good luck.


Active Member
That is nice lighting but I would still avoid corals, clams and anemones that require high lighting. You will be able to keep a wide verity of animals though...


What would you recommend to be my first few corals in my setup?
I am currently in the cycling process now. How long is a safe anount of time to wait after my tank is established until I should start adding some easy corals?


Active Member
Leathers and zoos are pretty easy. You should get your tank exstablished before you add corals. I would say no sooner than 6 months.


Yeah...I think you told me that a few weeks ago. Someone else had told me that you could start adding zoos & mushroom polyps right away. So I was confused. Not to mention I see these people showing pics of their tanks at like 3 months and they all sorts of stuff in there. Are they jumping the gun?


Active Member
I think they are because you want your corals to grow and thrive in a perfect environment. A tank that is only 3 months old may dump and re-cycle because it is so unstable. I'm not saying it is impossible, just not advised.


Active Member
as in have another huge ammonia spike and then start the cycle over again because of too large of a bioload.


Member it
Now I'm not trying to fight the issue here...I would much rather take my time & do everything the right away. Just trying to get an understanding of all of this. But from what I understand, I thought that zoos & shrooms are supposed to have negligible impact on your bio-load. Is that wrong?


Active Member
They can if your water conditions aren't perfect. You may loose a coral and not know it till it is too late and then you will start an ammonia spike and everything will die. In a more mature tank, you can have a little more "leeway" and be able to recover instead of crashing.