How much light is too much?


New Member
How much light is too much? I want to get some metal halide lights for my tank so I can have corals but you can just about get a 400 watt setup for the same as you can get a 175 watt setup(almost) on E-bay. Therefore it would make better sense to get the biggest one my tank can handle since I know I will end up getting a bigger tank soon, but since this is my first saltwater tank I wanted to start small first at least untill I learn the ropes. My tank is a 39 gallon Eclipse tank it is 30 in. long by 24 in. tall and 13 in. wide. I know I am going to have to build a hood for it but that isn't a problem I run my own ******** trim business and I work with fine woods such as oak and mahagony all the time. I also figured I would just get a canister filter because when I get rid of the eclipse hood the filter is built in to it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
Well the first thing that comes to my mind is if all your filter equipment is going to be removed then your going to get a mini cycle. Unless you have a good amount of lr. Now as far as light goes. I would not put 2 400w MH's over a 39g tank. One might be ok but 2 would be too much IMO. A 400w is also going to put out a lot more heat than a 175W


New Member
I have about 25 lbs of live rock and my tank finished cycling about a week ago. It has two damsels and a hermit crab and a lot of life on my life rocks, have seen a little tiny star fish, worms, feather dusters, some kind of snail(or slug), and lots of coraline algae. I am wondering if the damsels might have eaten my little star fish though because I only saw him the first day I bought the live rock. I am planning on doing the hood, the lights, and the filter at the same time before I start stocking the tank with fish so if I get a mini cycle it wont matter. So a 400 watt MH wouldn't be too much? Also if I buy one on ---- and it comes with a standard new bulb do I need to get a 10k or 12k or will the standard bulb work? Thanks for the help!


the bulb your gonna get off of ---- is only going to be a 4300k bulb which imo is to yellow for saltwater. i got dual 250 mh off ---- at a very good price but had to get new bulbs for the color i wanted.