how much light to get good coraline algae growth??


Well, I can tell you that I have 3.7 watts per gallon in my 125. Mixture of Actinic, White, and 50/50, all VHO. I have a real nice purple coraline going and its spreading. I don't add any supplements. Just good circulation.


Active Member
Here's pic of my 55 tank - 13 months after setup.
Coralline needs good levels of calcium to grow and spread. I try to keep my levels around 400 mg/l. Lighting is 220 total watts PC - 50% actinic - 50% 6700K.
If you want to get it to spread more - take a small piece of LR rubble you can live without, that has good coralline growth - place it in a plastic zip lock bag - crush it with a hammer - and seed your tank with the frags. Keep your calcium levels up - and it will spread.
Good luck,


New Member
I have an existing tank and feed it, monitor it put Iodine etc in it and no coraline growth, I then set up a new tank and after two weeks theres coraline growth all over it, so think sometimes it's in the lap of the gods!!


Active Member
Light does not play as big a factor in coraline growth as does strong current and high calcium levels.Broomer hit the nail on the head. I have broke off pieces of coraline and crushed it up at the intake of my sump pump to spread it. Or you can take a piece of covered rock and put it in front of a powerhead.


New Member
Just to throw the preverbial "spanner" in the works, what about the level of salinity. The major difference between my two tanks other than one I "feed" regulrly is the salinity, the one with coraline growth is the "saltier" anyway just an idea!!!


I have good coraline growth in my FOWLR tank with only 2 flourescent lights - 1 actintic and 1 10,000K but the water here comes out of the tap at a pH of 8.2 and we have very hard water (lots of calcium). I think the most important consideration is your calcium levels. I don't think salinity levels matters. My own 2 cents for consideration


Active Member
I believe calcium and alkalinity in combination has an affect on its color.
When I was fighting to buffer my calcium and alk, I was growing green coraline algae.
Now that it has been stable for many months I only grow only purple algae but I still have green coraline spots that are slowly getting eaten by my as of yet unknown type of snails.


good alk 3+meg good calcium is all thats needed. different coralline with different lights theres low light and higher light species. I added 600w of lighting to my tank my coralinne died came back a different darker purple.High po4 can slow growth of coralline
[ May 30, 2001: Message edited by: Ironreef ]


Broomer- Your tank is BEAUTIFUL! Im just hoping I can get mine nearly as pretty! BTW- any more pix or a homepage?
In awe... Paulytee