How much lighting do I need


I currently have 220 watts of power compacts and I am thinking about getting 260 more watts of PC which would be a total of 480 watts I have a 72 bow tanks.......

sea goblin

what exactly is it that you want to keep in there? I would say that you would be good for most soft corals, and some LPS, no SPS. shrooms would be good too as well.
Sea Goblin


Active Member
i agree with sea goblin, great lighting for all lps, softies, etc, but stay away from sps and clams, etc!
good luck


Active Member
LPS= Large Poylp Scleractinian (Stoney)
mall P
olyp S
cleractinian (Stoney)
I personally wouldn't put Small Polyped Scleractinians under anything but metal halides. From my experience, They don't fair well under Power Compacts or VHO's.
Take Care,


Active Member
SPS: small polyped stoney corals such as acropora, montipora, etc.
Clams: maxima, crocea, tridancia
LPS: Large polyped stony corals such as Frogspawn, Torch.
Stony coral is basically a coral having a hard, stone like base.
leathers are softies because they have a soft base you can frag for example.
SPS and clams really need halide light to be healthy and thrive.
SPS are also somewhat harder to keep but it depends.


Active Member

Originally posted by robandmel
How much do I need then? Currently I have 220 watts PC.. What would you recomend then?

Nothing other will fully suit them.
2x 250wt bulbs should do nicely over that tank, if you ever plan to venture into Small Polyped Scleractinians (SPS) or any Tridacna clams.
Take Care,


Keep in mind that most folks don't do SPS. You can have quite a beautiful and diverse reef without them. In addition halide lighting is not all you need for SPS. Constantly pristine water conditions with stable parameters in a mature system are recommended as well.