How much lighting for ricordea?


Active Member
I was wondering if I could get by with 2 55w 10k PC's for ricordea till I get my 250w MH's going? I don't wanna kill em but was just wondering.


I'm finally getting my new lights tomorrow (72" 4x95 PCs) so my ricordea has been under normal aquarium lights that I've scrounged from old tanks.
I have them about 6" under the surface putting them about 12" under the light. I have 2 20watt and 1 30 watt bulbs right now (normal output florescents)
They are doing great since I got them about a month ago. I had one that I thought was going to die but it puked out some brown stuff and seems to be going much better now :)
I even have one that is in the process of splitting (I finally saw the 2nd mouth today).
They are in a medium flow area.
From what I've read, they are pretty versatile so I wouldn't worry too much about the lighting.
I just got another rock today with 15 ricordea on it and it is sitting in the darkest part of the tank right now. I'm hoping that tomorrow they will open up when the lights come on.


I kept mine under regular lighting before I got my VHOs... they actually seemed to do better under less light.