How much live fiji rock in 150gal


I just lost all my fish in my FO tank and would like to now start a FOWLR. I currently have alot of the faux live rock in my tank and would now like to go with the Fiji live rock they sell here. How much would I need for my 150gal which is 60"widex30"highx18"deep.

al mc

Active Member
I have always used the 'rule of thumb' that seems to be the prevailing thought here of a minimum of 1#rock/gallon of water. Range 1-2#/gallon

al mc

Active Member
I have always been happy with it. decent quality. Good price.

If you get it at a local place the advantage is that you can pick and choose, but they generally more expensine.


Also get some marshall pieces it will naturalize your set up with the figi, plus with marshall being so light weight, it filters more per poundage. BUT still go with above suggested poundish, this will add a little more filtration. The marshall will give an added boost to the fitration process, plus is gorgeous rock.


Also shop around at local places. Here in KC one place sells for 8.. per pound another sellfs for 5.00 BIG difference.
I agree also with the other post, you can pick your pieces, plus in most cases you can get cured. Will make the cycle much easier.
When buying in such a large amount. You can probably bargain as well on price.


Active Member
If you want to save some money, you may want to look into buying some base rock as well. It is a fraction of the cost.
there are a lot of people breaking down their tanks in the classified section here also, and some great pieces going for very cheap. just be careful.. with adding a lot of shipped rock. you will usually have to recure it.
on a side note, and not to bring up old news, but why did you lose all your fish?


Active Member
I'm with renogaw; base rock is a great way to get more for less. I personally use about 30% live Fiji rock and the rest is all base in both the tanks I've setup, and will do the same with the next one. Within a few months you won't be able to tell the base rock from the live rock, and the base rock will become "live", considering it will have coraline algea growth, bacteria buildup, and critters growing in and on it. It's also about 1/4 of the cost of live rock in most places. In fact, at my LFS, I can get a 50lb box of base rock for $45. But most places sell it at about $2/lb for just loose pieces. As far as the amount, I'd get a total of about 150lbs of combined live and base rock to start. Keep in mind, you could potentially add coral that's already attached to rocks, so your overall weight will go up over time anyway.


Originally Posted by renogaw
If you want to save some money, you may want to look into buying some base rock as well. It is a fraction of the cost.
there are a lot of people breaking down their tanks in the classified section here also, and some great pieces going for very cheap. just be careful.. with adding a lot of shipped rock. you will usually have to recure it.
on a side note, and not to bring up old news, but why did you lose all your fish?
Not really sure how I lost the fish, I did change out the RO/DI cartridge a week prior to the fish dying...

Thanks for the advise everyone, I'm going to go to local stores and get base rock and then get the cured live mix rock also from local stores.
What should I bring my Salt levels up to, its now at 1.017. Also what else to I have to add to the water now that I'm going reef?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnic
Not really sure how I lost the fish, I did change out the RO/DI cartridge a week prior to the fish dying...

Thanks for the advise everyone, I'm going to go to local stores and get base rock and then get the cured live mix rock also from local stores.
What should I bring my Salt levels up to, its now at 1.017. Also what else to I have to add to the water now that I'm going reef?
Salt level should be around 1.024 - 1.027 for a reef, personally I keep mine right at 1.026. Depending on what type of salt mix you use you might not have to add anything to the water, most mixes have trace elements factored in. Some salts don't do as much as others, so if you ever decide you want to dose with the trace elements be sure to get test kits for those. Especially calcium. If you ever dose with that one you'll need to be sure you don't go too high.


Gotcha, I also currently have (2) 70w HQI MH and (1) 96 PC 50/50 blue. the tank is 30" deep. will these lights work?