How Much Live Rock


ive got about 14 lbs of live fiji rock right now and im goin to move it into a 55 gallon. im wondering how much more live rock i should put in. if i added like 20-25 lbs + the 14 lbs i already have = about 30-35 lbs. so would 35 lbs of live fiji rock be enough for a 55 gallon tank...


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
ive got about 14 lbs of live fiji rock right now and im goin to move it into a 55 gallon. im wondering how much more live rock i should put in. if i added like 20-25 lbs + the 14 lbs i already have = about 30-35 lbs. so would 35 lbs of live fiji rock be enough for a 55 gallon tank...
A 55 gallon tank is going to require 55 to 83 pounds of live rock to really look decent. Some people put as much as 2 pounds of live rock per gallon.


Hey the old rule of thumb is for approx. 1.5 lbs per gal. That works well for most everyone, but if you have a deep sand bed or plenum system you can cut back to about 1 lb per gal. As far as how you want it to look it's up to you; for nitrogen cycle completion then stick with at least 1.5 lbs / gal with bare bottom tank, and no less than about 1 lb / gal if you run either a DSB or plenum system. Not just my opinion, but what I actually see working out there.