How much LR do u have? post size tank and a picture and how much LR it is


im looking to get a idea how much LR will fill my reef Nicely on my 125. can u post a pic of ur tank and say how big it is and pics of ur rock work (full shot) and how many lbs u got in it. or a guess estimate.. thanks alot!
cant wait to see ur tanks


Active Member
My 52 gallon with 80lbs live rock
By the way nice to see someone with a big tank that likes the LPS as well lol.


This is about 160lbs in a 6ft 125. The rock is centered because of the way I have the tank placed. BTW this is all fiji, with diff. rock you may get more surface area per pound (less dense).



Active Member
heres my 125 galllon acrylic, it has around 110lbs of live rock....i still need around 60 pounds more.
also im the only person i know with this type of rock, i have a private guy that sells it at a really good price if you like it.
just let me know


Active Member
for some reason the guy who sold it to me wont tell me what kind it is, i know its from the south pacific.


Active Member
Here's mine:

29 Gallon, 45 pounds LR
Not very helpful considering the size you are looking to fill!


Active Member
this is my 100 gallon, there is somewhere between 250-300lbs of rock in the setup. its a pic of it going through its sunset cycle but u get the idea ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by paulcoates
Here is mine...55 gallon with 110 lbs of live rock
Hey paulcoates, what is that cage like stuff on top of your aquarium? :notsure:


it's eggcrate used for flourescent lighting. I use it on my aquarium also to help keep fish from jumping. You can get it home depot.


Active Member
Cool! I think I'll get some, so I want have to worry about any fish jumping out. Is it very expensive?


Active Member
we have 110 gallons sump included with about 150+ pounds of rock total. about 100+ of that is in the display