How much LR do you have in your nano?

coral keeper

Active Member
I was just wondering, how much LR do you have in your nano? I have 17 LB in my my 8 gallon oceanic biocube. 10lb in the DT and 7 lb in the 3 back chambers. So, it all equals to 17 lb in the entire system.


Originally Posted by mkzimms
im running about 16 in the DT and 2 hand fulls of rubble in the chambers of my 12G aquapod.

How do you fit it in the back chamber its so small

In the DT I have 22.6 lbs and in the back these white things


i removed all the bio-media (the white doughnuts) in the back and used rubble rock instead. its just live rock that i put in a bag and threw on the driveway a few times. you can also buy rubble rock from many LFS for cheaper than a whole rock.