How much LR for 29 gal?

Just last week I purchased 6 lb. of cured Fiji LR from myLFS. Now today I purchased another 3 lbs. for my Fish Only Tank. I have a total of 9 lbs. of LR and was wondering if this is an adequate amount for my tank.:confused:


It depends on what you want to do with the tank. Also the weight can vary significantly depending on the type of rock. My 29 has 60 lbs. but I was going for a wall type look. This would not be a good option for FOWLR. I say keep adding until you like the look and your fish still have plenty of room.


Well-Known Member
I agree that the main thing is to add whatever you want and whatever you think looks nice. You could save a little by using base rock and allow the live rock to seed the base.
I would recommend that whatever you do, you allow at least three weeks after the addition of the last LR before adding any fish. That is to allow any fish born parasites (ICH) to die off from lack of host fish.


Active Member
Unless the rock was in with fish that had ich, I don't see that as being a factor. If the rock is fully cured, you should be able to add it directly to the tank. Most LFS keep their LR in a separate tank.
When I was using my 29g, I put about 30 or so lbs in. What other filtration do you have? The more LR/LS you add, the better the natural biofilter.


a new tank and needs all the help it can get. Plus I want a really nice reef display. It is a total wall right now with lots of little areas like caves that I made for the fish, I can not wait to add coral and mushrooms.
Most LFS keep their LR in a separate tank.
The LFS I go to Cures their own LR and and keeps it in a seperate tank. Thanks to everyone for the input!:D