How Much LR in Sump/Refugium?


Active Member
I have a 12 gallon sump/refugium. How much LR rubble is safe to put in? I have 10 lbs. of rubble now 3/4 of it in the sump and 1/4 in the refugium. How much is too much? I have another 10 lbs. curing now. Can I put some in the return section?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tscuda
10 lbs is how much I have in mine. About 12 gal water in a 20 gal sump.
Well I was thinking of putting some in my return side but there is waste on the bottom now and I do not want it to become a detrius trap if I put rubble in there. I have many snails and stormatella's in there so I don't know!!


For the waste I have a hob b4 the return. Thats where I have my carbon at. Home made sump. Water dumps right onto the ruble and algea. Then into hob and skimmer then to the pump. Works good for me. It got rid of the cyno fast.


As for the clean up crew all I have in there are worms and a few mini stars that hitch hiked in there. Was thinking of maybe adding 2 snails.