How much LR??


How much LR is a good start for a 72 gallon bow front? 50-60lbs? maybe topping out at 100lbs when adding more later?


Active Member
if your going to buy a box you'll pretty much have to start with a 45-50lb box which is fine. anything from 1lb/gallon on up will suffice but more is better. I only have about 30lbs in my 30 gallon but I bought mine 10lbs at a time (fully cured locally).


o.k. thanks... I'll probably start with 50 lbs worth then and add a little bit more over time. Do you need to cycle water before adding LR? or once your salinity is right just go ahead and add it with the LS?


Active Member
If the liverock is truly cured (bought locally from a curing tank that is actually cured and transported submerged in water) then you probably want to cycle the tank first, just spraying off the liverock with a spray bottle and saltwater making sure loose derbri and dead matter has fallen off. If you are buying shipped or rock that isn't fully cured you could cycle your tank with the rock in it (effectively curing it) or cycle the tank and liverock seperately then adding the cured rock to the cycled tank. either way.


Is there any advantage to either method...? i'd probably rather buy the cured rock and put it into a tank that's been cylcing... I've read on the boards that you get better growth and sometimes some cool hitchhikers that way.