How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium


I personally don't have a lot right now due to the size of my wallet, however, I think I have around 600.00 and still counting.
Everyone else please add your stories and setups.
Later :D


Active Member
90 Gallon AllGlass, Stand, Hood, NO Lights, Wet/Dry, 25Watt UV, substrate, all plumbing and pump to make a complete system - $1195.00
Fish - about $150
Rock - $300.00
Berlin Turbo Skimmer - $209
Enjoyment from my tank - priceless!
Tangman :D

class clown

29 gal. Eclipse tank w/ in-tank skimmer, extra powerhead, and oak stand: About $335
Live sand, live rock, water, bacteria concentrate, and other odds and ends to get it started: $150
Critters (cleaner shrimp, horseshoe crab, 10 snails, 10 hermit crabs, 2 false percs, bicolor angel): $105
Food, medications, test kits, hospital tank, sg scales, etc: around $130
Total for setup: $720, give or take
Original spending limit when I started 2 months ago: $300 to $350
But that's nothing... here's the real story why I'm posting this:
I was at my LFS last weekend while the owner was having a lenghty conversation over the phone with a client. As soon as he hung up he started screaming like a maniac. He couldn't believe what he just heard: The guy on the phone, after he's done installing his mega-gallon aquarium, filtering, custom-made furniture, livestock, submarine station, helicopter landing pad, and whatever else he could think of, will have spent a grand total of no less than $80,000
in his aquarium!!! :eek: Must be nice...


135 gallon
700 for lr
450 for tank and stand
120 for ls
custom built hood materials 80 20 hrs of time
550 lights
350 for skimmers
80 sump and pump
68 in powerheads
2398 total with nothing in the tank
65 gallon
405 drilled
80 in sump and pump
150 lights
20 in powerheads
100 in protien skimmer
200 in fish
100 for rock
1055 total
this is an addiction and i love it


New Member
I found a great deal and got everything, 125 with custom oak stand, matching hood, A-Miracle wet dry, UV sterilyzer, protien skimmer, power heads right down to the salt, for 1000 bucks. Then add another 300 for fish. I am not done yet though there are still new things coming out I want.


New Member
So far around 2000 with no fish and counting.
600 for corner tank and stand. 300 for lights. 100 for protein skimmer. 600 for LR. 400 for supplies. 129 for cleanup crew. Man this stuff is expensive.

silent bob

I n my 29 reef i put about 900$ in to it,400$ of lr, 100$ of ls and the rest was for lights (pc), and skimmers, and filters and pumps
in my 110 reef i put about 6000$ into 1200$ of lr, 300 ls, 1250 for halide and pc setup fpr over 9.5 watts of lights per gal. over 1000 in corals, 500 fish the rest for my 120 sump, with all the goodies, berlin xlt skimmer, fluidized bed, 3 tronic heaters, pumps, also 800 r/o d/i unit plus a lot of other good stuff
i have spent about 2000 on my 75 fresh water south american cichlid
i have spent about 1100 on my 55 south american aggressive and about 200 on my 3 ten gals.


Active Member
I've got 4 tanks, 1/ 125 and 3/ 55's. I don't want to even think about how much I've spent on eguipment, l/r, coral , fish , etc. It's better that way since I get so much enjoyment out of it and would hate to ruin it!!


200 for 75gal tank and oak stand,
120 for 2 emperor filters,
60 for live sand,
40 on live fish,
40 on fish that no longer exist,
70 for skimmer,
200 for Food,Accessory,cycleing,
working on L/R and more L/S, Lights and Reverse osmosis unit.
The tank was a birthday present, and I do have to say its worth every penny I've spent after that.


90 gallon Tank,stand,skimmer,Wet/Dry,light,UV sterlizer,power heads:About $2000
Live rock:$600
Live sand:$150
Live stock:Emperor Angel,Australian Harlequin Tusk,Black Voliton Lion,Red Sea Green Bird Wrasse,Hippo Tang,Red General Star,Blue Linkia Star,2 Sand Stars,5 Red Serpant stars,50 turbo snails:$700
[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: dasnake03 ]


I got a great deal. 140 gal with stand and matching canopy. 2 pumps with the sump and 2 spare pumps, protein skimmer, heaters, powerheads, 150 lb of live rock, 4 inch deep of live sand, chiller and about 15 fish (About $300 in fish and clean up crew). Reg, lights and MH with fans in the canopy. Also a 30 gallon mixing drum with spout and powerheads, Containers for RO water. I think that is it. I paid $500.00 for everything.
I think I have probally invested another $500 to $800. Ii try not to count.
Like everyone else said it is priceless for the enjoyment.


volitan, I TOTTALY AGREE! i live in OTTAWA (canadas capital) so thera re about 4 good fish stores here! and well high paying jobs do exist her i ottawa just like the states! (no offense volitan! :) ) but MAN_ YOU GUYS ARE LIKE SPEND SPEND SPEND! well when i put over a thousand dollars thats only for a 40 gall with lr and 2 clowns. the 2 clowns alone ran me up a bill over over 65$$$$$$!!!!!!!!! you guys are soo lucky. her in canada you have to be a devout fish lover to spend like we do! id like to see u come do it! its crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy! mr.salt was telling me how good it was that they made the PRIZM protin skimmer for under a hundred dollar (no offenser MR>SALTY I HAVE ALL RESPECT) but her in canada its gonna cost me an average price of 199.99$$$$$$$$$$ and thats BEFORE our stupid 15% yes i said.. 15% tax. ha am i gonna go poor soon. give it a thought u got it easy!
ps ( god bless america with whats all goin on go get em! ;) ;) )
flame :D
any responses????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: