How Much Money Is Everyone Into Their Tank?


I have a 120 reef and I am into my tank about 7K.
I'm going to probably drop another 2K on fish and corals.
How much have you guys/gals spent? :scared:


Have a 125 at the moment, want mh's and a new skimmer and have about 10k in it so far without the above.


Active Member
I have a 36 glln bow front and I am WAY over the $1000 mark.
I have an 80 glln that I have just started working on........don't even want to think about how much


Active Member
Most people, who are seriously in this hobby, dont want to think about how much money they've spent on their tanks. And, I've ran across some people who find it offensive when they're asked. That's kinda like asking "How much did your house cost?" or "How much money do you make, a year, at your job?"


New Member
I've got about $450 in a 125 plus the hours of labor to build my own stand. I'm not ven ready for water. I'm looking at another $1000 for lights, $800 for water movement and filteration, plus rock, sand, fish, salt, test kits, thermometer, heaters, ro unit, plumbing and whatever I'm forgeting. It's more upsetting to think about the cash amount of the fish I have lost in the past. Most was a Flame Angel $75


I have a 20g with a 10g refugium,Ive spent about close to $1000 including sand, livestock, lights,filters,piping etc....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Nobody would spend 100 billion on a fish tank.. lets be real!
....or would we....? :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Most people, who are seriously in this hobby, dont want to think about how much money they've spent on their tanks. And, I've ran across some people who find it offensive when they're asked. That's kinda like asking "How much did your house cost?" or "How much money do you make, a year, at your job?"
And i can tell your that type of guy huh :thinking: I spent about o..... over $2,000 with my 55gal and 125gal combined


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
And i can tell your that type of guy huh :thinking: I spent about o..... over $2,000 with my 55gal and 125gal combined
yeah but thats no fair to compare it to a reef. cause you have an agressive right? Less live rock, less equiptment, no corals. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
yeah but thats no fair to compare it to a reef. cause you have an agressive right? Less live rock, less equiptment, no corals. lol


Originally Posted by fishieness
dont talk to me.....
lets just say way more than a 17 year old kid working at a library should spend
lol... im dropped 300 on a 20g and only have some rock so far and i dont even have a job.. yet


In the last month alone I have spent over 7g's on my tanks. 75 reef 15 nemo tank and the 175 aggressive. Also bought a up and running 135($1,000) for the rock and corals sold the tank lights and filtration including sump skimmer mj2400 for $500