How much nori to feed


Active Member
How much nori should a tang eat in a day? I feed a strip of the sheet 1.5" x 6" but I have no idea if this is enough or too much? Some times it rips off the clip and falls to the rocks. But I assume that the emeralds and snails make haste of that.


Tangs always are eating so I would just replace it when the sheet is gone. Yeah they rip it off sometimes, but I guarantee you that someone is eating it.
So, just replace it. Tangs always eat to avoid starving.


I have two and I feed mine a 3" x 3" square each night. Mine are getting bigger every day. If you let the extra float around it will cause all the same problems that over feeding does.


Originally Posted by ninjamini
So are you saying that there should always be a piece there?
there doesn't have to be. I wouldn't be a slave to it. But if you notice that there hasn't been a piece there for a few hours, then yes, I'd put one there.
If the tang just finished the nori I wouldn't feel compelled to run over to the tang and give him another piece


nori is pretty cheap though, so if you wanted to you could constantly replace it. I get about 400 sheets for $30


I put nori in my tank about 1hr before I feed them. I take out what they don't eat. I don't leave any in to get loose and float around.


I put the Nori sheet in about twice a week for two Hippo Tangs and one Rainford Goby that loves it. But I also have Red "Tang Heaven" algae(Gracilaria parvispora) on a clip for them. They love that stuff. I am trying to get it to grow in my Refuge, but with no luck yet. I am lucky that one of my local fish stores carry it for a low price. With all that food I got two really fat looking Tangs.....


Active Member
As soon as I try to put a clip of nori in the tank my trigger is there waiting and rips it right out of my hand. I never even get a chance to stick it to the side of the tank. He sucks down the whole thing and no one else gets any so I put more in after feeding.


Active Member
I use Yaki Sushi Nori, comes in sheets, and Ito Wakame dried seaweed..looks like spaghetti. My tank gets one strip 1"x3" strip in the evening, and a few strips of the Wakame in the morning. The wakame is very dry, so it takes a while for it to hydrate, but boy do they love it. They have to work at this a bit to eat it, but they certainly are eager to get at it. I buy these at the local Asian grocery store for next to nothing compared to what they want for it at a pet store.