How much Sand and Live Rock


I'm putting up a new Nano Cube 24g and was just wondering how much sand and live rock everyone else is using in theirs....
any suggestions or concerns???


How much experiance do you have with salt water? If you are just starting give yourself some time on this tank and start with some study time. Figure out what you want to do with the tank. What you want in it and what will work for what you have or can spend.
Just to take things and through them together just because it works in one place does not mean it will work for you. Understand what you need so things can go smoother and you can have more enjoyment.
Is this going to be a coral tank, non coral tank, just fish, and many other things to choose from. Then you can understand what is needed for your bio-system to function properly. Altitude, placement, accessories, lighting, temp. fluctuations, etc. etc.
Any one can give you a number to go with for what you ask, but is this what you really need?


Active Member
what type of tank are you thinking fowlr, FO, or reef? and typically id say 1.5 to 2 inches of sand on the bottom is goodbut really as far as sand goes there are a LOT of different oppinions, and none are wrong. and live rock again depending on kind of tank id say 1-2 pounds per gallon for starters.. good luck!


I've been in salt for about 10 years now. I have had a 75g and a 150g. Which are much more than a 24g. I was just wanting opinions of other forum readers as to what they have in theirs. I am setting up a coral reef with very few fish just mainly corals. What would you suggest/use??


so I am taking that for your 10 years you have ran both fish and coral tanks? If you have had great success with them then having a smaller one and being specific is no problem. They are set up very simular. For corals set up a good prooven bio system that your comfortable with.
Get good pourus live rock the more natural corals and live things the better for your start. So polyps and other stuff is great to see. Cured is of course better then stuff left out for a while. I would use a mixture of live sand and another substrate you feel good about to help in the seeding process. Lights and circulation for what you want to do. And of course a good cleanup crew to stop maintance on your end.
Make sure O2 levels stay up in the smaller systems this will help in the nitrate levels if you ever have any.