how much should I as for this

(1) 75 gallon tank
(2) DIY stand
(3) 2x55w Power compact lights
(4) 80w Normal output Light strip
(5) 80lbs Crush Coral
(4) 200w Visi Therm Heater [SP?]
(5) 3 Damsels
(4) Glass Canopy
Any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance:D
Thanks, ameliadnkoche............. I was thinking along the lines 0f $180 but was not sure, however $150 does sound reasonable. Thank you for your remarks.:)
For anyone that was unable to see the ((((( :D
)) that I placed in the post, the $75/delivered comment was meant as a FREAKIN joke!
Actually, a more realistic value would be closer to $225 for everything listed, so the person chastizing me is guilty for even thinking $150. ;)
ok people...... Crusty I did know that you were being scarcastic..:D , that scool, no worries man.... Look everbody simmer down a bit I just wantto see what is a fair offer as I said I was thinking $180 because I noticed some scratches and I broke the glass canopy last night. The PCs have not been used for that long maybe 3 months, they have a reflector on them too as well. The Crush coral would be a B*&^% to ship Junbug just so you know. if you are willing to come to the Michigan Border I may be able to meet you there. Also I have been made an offer of a trade for the lights by Khmoney......... just putting everything out there so everbody knows where they stand. I appreciate all your opinions and well I just have to move this stuff soon the wfe may kill me if i do not. thanks
no problem, he has not said anything definete there are still some things to be worked out for it to be a go.... are you intrested in meeting at the border?
I can check and see how much shipping is. If he does not take them then I will post again here. sooner or later this tank will be gone from my house.......just home I am not gone with it too, my wife just called wanting to know when it will be gone.....:D