How much space should there be between MH bulb & Reflector?


I purchased a 250W MH retrofit with 10,000K bulb. The reflector that came with it is gigantic to say the least. I was going to cut it down to modify it, and was wondering how much space should I have between bulb and reflector? It is a horizontal reflector, not the big round vertical one. I was thinking about an inch or so!? I will put spacers behind reflector so it is not mounted flush onto the canopy hood.


Active Member
All of my MH have been about an inch below the reflector. Inserting a spacer between the reflector and wood is a very good idea; kudos!


I bought it for $90.00 plus shipping, off of the famous auction site that sounds like GreenBay. New reflector and socket, with refurbished ballast inside a used housing. It came ready to plug in. Just type in metal halide in search bar on site, and sort by lowest price first.


Active Member
i've been watching those, i have even e-mailed them a few times...let me know what you think....thanks