How much spent on tank per month


New Member
How much do you guys spend on your tanks per month,
I estimate about $50 per month for food and additives


dont forget the costs of just having it running, the power it uses and costs of water changes, lightbulb replacements, ect.
also dont forget the difference in what size tank you have and what kind of fish (reef, fo, aggressive) as im sure the size of the fish and stuff will have a difference on cost. also how many tanks you have too.
[ September 18, 2001: Message edited by: Pat ]


New Member
well my 90gl has 110 Lbs of live rock a TopPhatom skimmer and a 15gl sump this tank will soon house only fish. I'm not sure yet what combination I like best. I use C-Balance for my calcium and Reef Solution for every thing else this should cost me about $50 for 2 months, If my calculations are correct :) My 70gl is self sufficient it has a Ecosystem miracle Mud filtration system on it and it actually works I only add a little calcium now and then to keep it around 400 and reef solution for the corals I should spend about $25 on food and plankton for the fish and corals. what do you think :)


Usually about 80 on food a month and anywhere from 50 to 300 on supplies for more tanks. Plus the electricity and water. I love my aquariums. :rolleyes:


I don't think I really want to know the bottom line on how much I spend a month. As my wife says "it's too much".


$370 for food
$100 for electricity
$100 for salt
$30 for water
$30 additives and miscellaneous
$200 for pool service fees
$400 for lights
$25,000 worth of time I could be working instead of taking care of my fish


New Member
Yep just as I suspected. I was afraid my calculations were too good to be true, I guess time will tell


$40 electricity
$20 additives
$20 food
$15 water
And those are just the items I can think of right away.
Hay risc, I took a look at your web pag. Awsume looking sharks but, I know if I had 12000 gallon tank I shure would have a full picture of it, I know you have a digital camera why not put some pics of it on there,I know we like to show off our 72 and our 200 gallon but a 12000 gallon god I would put up some awsume pics of that .I Would have its own web site. Its kinda hard to believe without some shots of it....fixit


Active Member
Started me thinking about how much I have spent since 94 on this hobby and since I am a organized devil and keep a ledger here is what it has been yearly since I got heavy into salt.
1994- 1415.06
1995- 6776.22
1996- 4440.73
1997- 3562.66
1998- 3848.21
1999- 5046.74
2000- 6474.12
This is everything except electricity which I have no way of figuring closely. Fish, tanks, food, supplies, equipement, mail order all included tho in the totals given.


In my house my fiance reminds me weekly of how much I spent in the first place. I am then required to spend that amount each week on her at the mall. For I have made the devil.


I hope my girl friend does not find out about that one. I would never have money!!
I just try to find corals she likes so then she can buy them if she wants them :)


Active Member
Thats the good thing about both likeing the hobby, fixit and myself both love to spend money on our tanks. Its never a problem with us...I guess I'm a very lucky lady..(I've always known I was though) Lisa


Maybe about $50-$100 for me. Give or take. I don't the electirc cost but food is fairly cheap and so is additives. Still adding fish so that adds some cost.


Active Member
Plato; Doubt if you would want to do that considering 2 of the 3 I have done the most business with went out of business. Altho one of the owners did tell me if all her customers spent what I did she would have stayed open.