How much store credit would i get for my naso tang.


Because im young and stupid i bought a naso tang for my first fish. He is in a 60 gallon he fits now but he will soon outgrow my tank. My plan was to keep him till he got to big cause i love nasos so much. But i dont want to get to attached to him and then have to let him go. Also after i add my live rock there will be room for just about 2 perulas and a coral beauty. He swims great in my tank and he eats like a pig. When i walk over to the glass he shoots to the top shakin his fin like a dog like he is saying feed me feed me. I was appose to bring him back last week but i didnt. Im starting to like him so he needs to go. Ill get one when i get my big tank. And then ill get the blondie. Anyway on the subject my fish store will give me half of what they will sell it for. I bought it for $44. But im not bringing it back to that store. No pics but mine looks and is prob the same size as the one in the pic on this site in the fish section where you buy the fish. About 2-4 inches. Id say id get about 15-20 dollars store credit which dont really by jack in this hobby. What about a kole tang then dont get that big they have a very small one at the store i never realy knew they looked that cool. But im guessing no.


Active Member
You can delete your other thread. Just click on edit, then at the top check the delete box and delete now.
As to the fish. Any tang needs to be in a well established tank with plenty of algae for grazing. I'm thinking you will have to cut your losses on this one and just try to make sure that it goes somewhere that will sell it to a person that has the right environment for it. I wouldn't get any tang for a tank that is less than 4 feet. Then only from the zebramosa family. They need the swimming room. I didn't add a blonde naso until I had a 6 ft tank. I know what you mean though. The whole reason we got into this hobby was to have a blonde naso....boy that changed quickly when we found about 8 thousand dollars worth of other good reasons:yes:


Yea im gonna settle for my percula clown and soon a brother for him. Also maybe a corral beauty or a flame angel. I cant wait till i get my big tank though i want a big fat blondie. :D


Active Member
I love mine and her name is blondie. I have a coral beauty also. That is another fish that you want to wait a few months for. They graze the algae all day and need stable conditions. I've had my cb for almost 2 years. :joy:


Oh yea i know that the flame and the coral beauty need established tanks. Prob get one 6 months in. But dont know between the coral and the flame. Plus i know they love rock work. ANd i can supply that.


Active Member
How long have you had the fish and does he look healthy? You have no guarantee that your fish will go to a good home. I would keep him and give him plenty of Garlic soaked nori and mix your frozen food with selcon. A 60 gallon is small for a large naso but a small naso will do okay and then when he is bigger you can get more for him and make sure that he goes to a well established tank. Plus you may upgrade in a year or so and then you will have a large tank. I would advice not packing your 60 gallon full of live rock. Doing more of an open look will give the naso more swimming room.
Where are you located?


i was thinking that myself about keeping a little while longer. Hes pretty happy in the tank but i know he we need a big tank in the future. I live in NJ.


Active Member

Originally posted by gixxer1000
i was thinking that myself about keeping a little while longer. .

Start saving your $$$$$ now if you keep him. You'll become attached and love him and then you'll do anything to keep him happy.


Hes gone
I seen him today at the store i swore that he reconized me maybe im going crazy. They have him in a 15 gallon tank :rolleyes:. I almost was gonna buy him back. ITs not like he was sad in my tank he was the best fish i ever had. He ate good, swam well in the 60. I traded him in for 20. THey are selling him for 39.99. I swear i almost bought him back. Him to me is well worth the 20 bucks down the toliet. I can see if he wasnt happy in my tank. He still looks good. I prob could have saved for a tank in a month. But oh well now im just doing a 20L corral only tank with 2 small percs. I swear the first fish i will get when i get my new tank will be a naso. They are so easy to keep. And good personality. Another problem would have been that i might be moving in a couple months. And a 125 or whatever would have been hard on me to take it down and stuff. Far move to from NJ to las vegas my dad got some ceo job so.


Oh yea another odd thing. Since his abesence my percula clown seems so sad. He seems mad at me for taking away the naso. At light out they would stay next to each other and like they would cuddle. ANd lights on they would play follow the learder. I feel almost guilty towards the clown. He needs a buddy who can i get to be his buddy. Has to be a good swiming fish not a fish that hides. Coral Beauty?


Active Member
Sorry you had to get rid of him, but it was for the best. Who knows, he might end up in a 240g tank!!! I'm sure he would love that.
Get your perc a friend. He would probably love another perc. Mine always swim together.
PS. if your perc is very big the next perc you get will need to be small.


Cool i want them to be close in size is that ok. Im gonna get one tommorw. I went to a store tonight but they where very very small. I want one thats looks close to the size i have now.



Originally posted by gixxer1000
Hes gone
I seen him today at the store i swore that he reconized me maybe im going crazy. ceo job so.

its funny you say that...i once returned a bluehead wrasse to my lfs ands a couple days later i was back at the store.when i approached the tank the wrasse left his hiding spot in the corner and started swiming back in forth it front of me.
he probably recognized me as the food source.
i felt kinda bad