Because im young and stupid i bought a naso tang for my first fish. He is in a 60 gallon he fits now but he will soon outgrow my tank. My plan was to keep him till he got to big cause i love nasos so much. But i dont want to get to attached to him and then have to let him go. Also after i add my live rock there will be room for just about 2 perulas and a coral beauty. He swims great in my tank and he eats like a pig. When i walk over to the glass he shoots to the top shakin his fin like a dog like he is saying feed me feed me. I was appose to bring him back last week but i didnt. Im starting to like him so he needs to go. Ill get one when i get my big tank. And then ill get the blondie. Anyway on the subject my fish store will give me half of what they will sell it for. I bought it for $44. But im not bringing it back to that store. No pics but mine looks and is prob the same size as the one in the pic on this site in the fish section where you buy the fish. About 2-4 inches. Id say id get about 15-20 dollars store credit which dont really by jack in this hobby. What about a kole tang then dont get that big they have a very small one at the store i never realy knew they looked that cool. But im guessing no.