How much was your stand?


Active Member
How much did you pay for your stand? What size is it and why kind? Lets see a pic if you have something interesting.


New Member
I dont have a pic of my stand, but I built it out of redwood and 2x4's. I want to say I spent around 200, maybe a bit more. Redwood is expensive.


Active Member
Abour a buck and a quarter ($125) open front sized for a 6' 120 beneath, (never did get around to putting it in...)



Active Member
My dream is to have a house one day with a basement where I can move my tanks from the hallway and livingroom down to the basements and spend on a stand ............????.........what does abunch of 2 x 4's cost? No more "try not to spill saltwater on the carpent again", "you're changing the water again?", "when are those lights going to go off?"