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I personally wouldn't do more than a 30% water change to begin with. It's certainly a good idea to get the nitrates down, but you don't want to lose beneficial bacteria in the proccess. I think it's better to do multiple small water changes than one big one. Maybe do 20% now, wait a few days and test the water and then change another 10%, keep doing this until your levels are down where you want them...There's no specific science to it, but this regime would be pretty easy on your system.
There is minimal, if any, nitrifying bacteria in the water column. It is in the LR and LS. While the principle of small frequent water changes is Ok there is no reason that you can not change a larger amount (50% or more) at one time if you are doing it because you have 'polluted' water (very high nitrates, trites, ammonia, death of an organism that will release toxins..sea apple as an example). ...As long as the water changed is similar in other chemistry/parametrs as the water you are removing..pH, salinity and temperature.
Smaller water changes are usually in order to replace trace mineral loss in an otherwise normal reef system.