How Much ??????


How much should I expect to pay for an 120 gallon All-Glass aquarium with two overflows, sump, filter, wood canopy & stand? My LFS has quoted me $2,000.00 plus tax for: 60lbs of live sand, 300 watt heater, All-Glass brand modern series canopy & stand, 2 glass versa tops, and a mag drive pump. Is this a good price or should I be paying less? Where online can I order a set up like this?


Also ask how much just for canopy,tank and stand.
I would try calling around for the fish tanks.
Some lf stores sell tanks mostly and are cheaper.
There is a place by me that only charges 470 for a 120 with stand.
Everything else i would get online.
Should save atleast a couple hundred bucks.


I have shopped around and I can get the 120 tank w/ overflows, stand, and canopy from $1,192.98 - $1,300.00


filter 250-350 with pump
sand 120-150
heater 50
sump ? 50
So this is a rough estimate of 600
600+1200= 1800
What kind of filter? wetdry and what size. 150.175,200


I am not sure about the filter he quoted me. I do know it was a sump like filter. It used bio balls. I am assuminf this is wet dry. I am not up on my filters. I have 55 know with an emperor 400 on it. What should I buy for a 120 gallon reef?


Id go with a 200.
Probably was a wet dry.
I think most 200s should have two intakes for the overflows.
Do you think your 400 is good enough for your 55.
Just wondering because i had it on my 55 and didn't like it much.
And i notice some people love them on their 55.


if it were me i would buy the tank with over flows but make the stand and canopy because it will save you money and you can make it the way you really want it and for the filter i would buy a sump online or make one from a smaller fish tank. This if it were me. i wish i made my own stand. i don't know why i bought one for my 100Gal. Good luck :happy:


:jumping: I don't like the emperor by itself but with a powerhead and the protein skimmer it does a pretty good job. I just want to make sure I have everything I need and the right thing I need when I go to upgrade this tank. I do not want to constantly be buying equipment because my LFS guy says "oh yeah you need this too!"


Check out ----. They have some proclears pretty cheap.
I love my wetdry.
Its nice. you hardly need new filters, just rinse them out and flush the balls with saltwater twice a month.
You have to learn not to trust lfs. An old friend paid 650 for his 150g filter at the lfs.
I told him to go on ---- but he didn't listen.
He found out later the skimmer it came with sucks and the design was crappy.


Unfortunatly, it's a love hate relationship with the LFS... We gotta have them and support them or we'll lose them. It just sucks when your in a bind and buy a UV sterilizer for 220 at your lfs and see it online the next day for 120. BUt, when you need a pump or heater right now they got it.


For your tank, all I can say is "". Check'em out. I bet you could probably save half on the tank and they build stands too. Plus you will get it setup exactly how you want.


swnewb, have you used that site to purchase a tank? the prices are great , but wondering about the quality. any info you or anyone can offer would be great. they will be in my area in july, so if the rating is ok ill give them a go.