how much $

nm reef

Active Member
Zack ... it ain't cheap but can be done if you have the financial 55 reef is just under a year old and is over 3 grand....includes tank/stand/equipment/LR/LS/fish/corals..........take your time...develope a plan....and build at your own pace.....and good luck :cool:


Active Member
You can do it on a budget for around $300-$500 depending on what you have now. But that price does not include live stock.


I have a 30gal and had all the equipment except my power compacts. I'm in it for $1,200. Not cheap, but it's beautiful!!

silent bob

i've put about 1200 into my 29 reef, but thats all top of the line stuff, lighting and lr and ls and fish so far but you can do it for under 400


I agree, if you shop around, you can find good deals. ( try online auctions and your local newspaper for starters )

car guy

i've put about 1200 into my 29 reef, but thats all top of the line stuff, lighting and lr and ls and fish so far but you can do it for under 400

fish fry

I did my assembled my 29 very slowly. Started with rock -30 pds at once and then I would add a couple more pieces every week.
Upgraded the the lights after 6 months. After that would add corals every couple of months.
Sump came after a year.
You can get started for a couple hundred. I would suggest starting with FOWL.


I would say that $1000-$1200 will be your cost to convert to a reef. That will include a small collection of livestock, lighting, protein skimmer, LS and LR. I have a 125 gallon and I have spent nearly $5000 since the first item was purchased 3 months ago. I have at least another $500 to go in livestock.
I think about $40 per gallon is a good average for budget calculation purposes.


New Member
i agree to look in the paper or on line, i bought a 150 gallon reef with 300lbs of lr,1/4horse chiller, 3 175w mh, for $1500, the reef was 5 years old, i paid $200 to move the tank, and it is awesome, i had a 55 gallon reef tank that was 5 years old and combined the two in the 150 and i just love how it looks, just be patient, you can find deals out there.


depending on what you allready have and who you know!!! can make a big differance,,,, Watch the paper for people who are selling because they are fed up with it !!!! for what ever the reason!!! it all takes time,& $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I helped a guy set up a 75 and he wanted everything NEW,,,, and so far he has over $7000 in it.... corals, shrooms, over 100 lbs of live rock...leathers, ect...