How often do I feed Coral?


I have tried reading on the frequency of feeding coral but just found what to feed.
I have several soft mushroom and polyp colonies. I have 'marine snow' as plankton food source. SO, my question is how often do I need to feed and do I need to spot feed or just add in front of powerhead?


strangely enough leading marine biologist seem to agrue this point to feed or not to feed... some argue that providing your light soure is adequate feeding is unnessesary since it will only encourage you coral to expel the very algea it depends on and nonetheless fowl the water with unneeded nutrition. others argue that a little help never hurt nobody. in other words some supplemental feeding can increase growth rates and ensure the best of both possible worlds. given the fact that these guys are biologists and im not.. i try to balance both. after all noone is sitting on the beach with a turkey baster dosing grub down the throat of corals. i now it souds vulgar, but dont go nuts i try to feed twice a week and very little at that and let photosynthesis do the rest. after all im not trying to win a ribbon for the worlds largest sinularia! my goal is to never ever fowl my parameters!. perhaps more important are trace element ever present in our ocean, this to me is of paramount nutritional value and is most often neglected and the root to most marine deaths, in our systems. in short good ole water changes!
thanks for reeding and best regards and luck, :joy:


I think that they do just fine on their own, i spot feed my mushrooms maybe once every couple of weeks, and they have split a couple times and have obtained quite the size. I also have setup a light on the side of my tank looking into a cave that has a colony of ~20 mushrooms on the side, roof, and pillar and that is obviously their only source of food and they look great. I have read that the algae housed in corals only provides sugars and they require more, gut i image that the amino acids present in vitamin and mineral supplements would be sufficient as to spot feeding a meatus substance.