How often do I need to feed my fish???1 day2day???


I read another thread where alot of people only feed there fish once every other day.I feed mine twice a day am I over feeding them????
Should I only feed them once a day.
My parimeters are all good.
yellow tang
coral beauty
marron clown
flame hawkfish
shrimp goby
cb shrimp
It seems cruel to only feed them every other day but I could cut down to once a day if twice is to much. :help:


I feed our tank once a day. They always eat everything (the scavengers do their job of picking up the leftovers) in sight & have been in our tank for a year now. No fishy strange outbreaks of nusiance water problems... So for our tank, once a day works great. Of course, there's a quantity issue daily. We feed 3 cubes of food daily and it varies what frozen cubes we use. Our livestock includes:
1 foxface (about 5 inches)
4 Green Chromis
2 Percs
1 Pseudochromis
1 Yellow Clown Goby
1 Mandarin Goby, 4 inches (who eats ALL foods, frozen or pellet or live!)
various scavengers
Our tank is 100gal with 160 lb liverock. We have a 20% water change every 2 weeks. We have a skimmer, which I guess is helpful when considering water quality & feeding amounts.
Hope that is helpful. I'm by no means an expert...but I have fed this way for just over a year now & it's worked for us.


Active Member
I feed my fish anywhere from 3 to 5 times a day, but I am trying to get my clowns to breed, and Have an insane waterchange ritual. with a skimmer rated for more than my actual gallon capacity and have a very efficient sump system. certain fish like anthias will die if they arent fed several times a day, you really need to determine the dietary needs of thye individual species your keeping and base your feeding ritual and food type on that.


Once a day is fine, make sure you see them eat all the food.
And every 3 or 4 day, skip a day and let them graze the rocks.
Fishes do fine without food for 1 day.


Thanks for the replys.I think maybe I have been over feeding as I always worry about making sure all of my critters are very full.That's probaly why my Labadore
is as big as he is.


It realy depends, feed your fish what they will consume. Some fish need to be fed several small feedings, others need once every three days.


It's really tough to resist the urge to feed them especially when they come swimming to the top and the front of the glass like a bunch of hungry puppies.
***) Seems that they never get full. Just remember that overfeeding could cause your nitrates to shoot up. Not good.


Originally Posted by 1knight164
It's really tough to resist the urge to feed them especially when they come swimming to the top and the front of the glass like a bunch of hungry puppies.
***) Seems that they never get full. Just remember that overfeeding could cause your nitrates to shoot up. Not good.
LOL I know what you mean!!!!! My hawk always wants something.
We have to restrain ourselves!


I have been having a problem with alge this could be due to over feeding so even though it breaks my heart to not feed them twice a day I think once a day sounds reasonable.I will diffently make sure everybody get's there share. :happyfish


Originally Posted by sepulatian
LOL I know what you mean!!!!! My hawk always wants something.
We have to restrain ourselves!
My LMB is the culprit. My wife and kid are suckers for its antics and swear i'm going to kill him no matter how fat he gets.


I would diffently say a couple of my fish have a weight problem Especially in my fresh water tank.I have people comment on there weight all the time more the FW than the SW.
I guess fish can get weight problems.LOL ***)


increase flow in the tank to make 'em swim more, swim faster and my help them burn some weight. Just think of it as an aerobic......


Different fish have different needs. For example, tangs need to graze all day long (hence the reason for mature rock being a necessity) Lionfish need to eat once every 3-4 days. Community fish need to at at leat once a day. It all depends on the fish. Some BEG to eat all day.


Originally Posted by barchtruong
increase flow in the tank to make 'em swim more, swim faster and my help them burn some weight. Just think of it as an aerobic......

I know you ment that as funny, but it is so far from true.


Originally Posted by barchtruong
I never thought it would be true.
I am trying to make the night brighter.... :joy:
LOL gotcha, but we don't want mis-information given to someone looking for information


I thought it was pretty funny.
All though I do agree feeding needs on fish are very important and some fish need to be feed more frequently than others.My LR is some what mature and I do feed alge sheets everyday.


It depends on what kind of fish you have, also. I feed my guys (coral beauty, clarkii clown, spotted mandarin) every other day. Fish like anthias though need like 3 feedings a day.