how often do mushrooms reproduce?



iv just recently got lots of new mushrooms and im hoping to have some bud off but was wondering how long this process normally takes?


I really can't tell you how long it would take. Depends on how "happy" they are. I would manually propogate them. I've been doing it for years with no problems.
All you have to do is cut them at the stalk, then you can put the head whereever you want and it will attach (you may need to tie it down with something). The stalk will regrow it's own head in time.
Also, if the shrooms are big, you can take the head and cut it in half or quarters. Each piece will become it's own shroom. You can see how propagating just a few shrooms can result in an exponential amount after a few generations.


i think it depends on the water quality. but once a shroom starts to move it generally won't stop moving for a while i had a red shroom move about 6 inches leaving about 8 baby shrooms in it's wake. any way don't chop up you shrooms. just place them in an area of high flow or aim a powerhead at them they will move away from the current.


Active Member
i also had a red mushroom move and leave some babies in it's trail. i've had a purple mushroom do nothing. weird :thinking:


i like the powerhead method. i dont have much luck cuttuing and glueing. I have cut them in half with a razer blade, while they were still attached, just pushing the foot apart at the cut, so they dont grow back together.


Mine reproduce about once every 2 weeks when I cut them in half with a razor blade. I frag my mushrooms to trade to the local fish stores for either tank suplies or other corals. My mushrooms grow very fast so thats why Im able to frag every 2 weeks. I cut them in half most of the time and within a week they are full circles again and I give then another week to totally recover. I dont glue them down either, I put them in a frag box so they dont float all over the place. I take around 30-60 mushrooms into the stores with me and I average around 2 bucks each for them. Takes me about a month to get 60 mushrooms.


Purple, green stripe, brownish rhodactis, blue's and red, red with white dots and I have a very cool mushroom that I have not seen anywhere else. Its a blue mushroom that turns to red if you look at it differently and it has bright neon pink dots on it. No ricordia yet, Im affraid to mess one of them up but ill probably try it soon. Those grow slow though.


Here is a pic of the blue mushroom. It doesnt look to spectacular in the pics but its way better in person.


When we got our Mushroom Rock we had about 4-6 on the red one, and the other one, to the left, there was about 6-10 mushrooms. As you can see, they are overtaking my tank.



Active Member
What do people say about just cutting them into four pieces while they are still attached to the rock? This way I dont have to worry about them floating all over the tank. The trunk is pretty thick so I would think that it would just create four out of one. Or do you think that they would fuse back together?


I have heard that they will probably grow back together.


Active Member
Well I cut a few up today. I didnt remove them from the rock but just used a razor blade and sliced them completely through the middle. I cut them down through the trunk as well. I only did a two of them and am going to see what happens. Luckily, I just had every single shroom in my tank split within the last month or so. Pretty cool. I also cut one of my kenyas down the middle to see what happens. I was thinking about cutting a zoo in half but decided to wait.