how often do u feed starfish?????


Active Member
:D i have no idea how you would feed those things. it seems to me that mine just goes around eating random shiznit. once in awhile i pull it out and toss it at my fiance's cleavage. she doesn't like that. :scared: if you lick them, they taste like saltwater.
seriously though, mine moves very quickly when i feed the rest of the tank (that being about 2 inches per 10 minutes) and it eats freshwater flake food like nothing else. i only feed my tank about once a week, the rest of the time they feed off the live rock. my lr is pretty bad so i'm trying to get it trimmed. all of the fish are looking very healthy though so i guess it's all working.


just gave him a piece of raw shrimp and he climbed on it and hasnt moved from that spot....just dont know how often to give him a piece......anybody know??????


Depending on the size of your starfish and the size of the food you are offering, something between 3x/week and daily. I feed mine almost daily . . . sometimes he is hiding in the rockwork.


Active Member
I feed mine once-twice per week (frozen krill and frozen shrimp.) All of his other feedings he gets off of food that is in the tank.