How often do you change the carbon in the filters?


You do not need to run carbon all of the time and shouldn't. Carbon can cause HLLE in fish if it is used over a long period of time. It removes trace elements from the water. Carbon is only needed to remove medications or to polish the water. Use it once a month if needed and only for 48hrs.


What is HLLE? I have an emperor 400 and it only uses carbon filters. It also has extra trays that I use carbon in as well. I've never heard carbon is bad before......


had and lateral line erosion. it's common in tangs and angels when they are under stress due to whatever. there are some people out there that believe small fragments of activated carbon in the water column can increase chances of hlle occuring.
Originally Posted by leeleeah
What is HLLE? I have an emperor 400 and it only uses carbon filters. It also has extra trays that I use carbon in as well. I've never heard carbon is bad before......
That is exactly what i thought mine has the same trey set up!

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You do not need to run carbon all of the time and shouldn't. Carbon can cause HLLE in fish if it is used over a long period of time. It removes trace elements from the water. Carbon is only needed to remove medications or to polish the water. Use it once a month if needed and only for 48hrs.
I respect your opinion, but every time this question comes up there are other experienced folks who will say run it as much as you like as long as you regularly change the carbon out. Thus my continued confusion.
Originally Posted by salty blues
I respect your opinion, but every time this question comes up there are other experienced folks who will say run it as much as you like as long as you regularly change the carbon out. Thus my continued confusion.

I know what you mean everyone haa different opinion so i don't know who to listen to any more! Just like not using tap water but i've seen a lot of posts on here with people that use ro water and has more problems with there tanks then the ones using tap, or like mushrooms saying you need lots and lots of light, but hey mine are fine! Its just confusing!



Originally Posted by hotjeepinmomma
I know what you mean everyone haa different opinion so i don't know who to listen to any more! Just like not using tap water but i've seen a lot of posts on here with people that use ro water and has more problems with there tanks then the ones using tap, or like mushrooms saying you need lots and lots of light, but hey mine are fine! Its just confusing!
i can settle both of those discrepancies with extreme confidence.
1. tap water will most likely have issues with one or more common substances you wouldn't want in an aquarium: nitrates, phosphates, silicates, copper, lead, chlorine, etc. the list goes on and on. it will also aleady be "hard," containing different salts and carbonates. if you start with your own RODI water, you know there will be no problems from the above lists when you first mix your water. problems associated with RO water instead of tap water would be purely coincidental. RO water is always better when compared to tap water from the same source.

2. mushrooms are low light corals. wherever you heard/read that mushrooms need lots of light is not a good source for information. mushrooms can thrive under pc light or greater. i've even seen mushrooms live under normal output, fluorescent lights.
Everyone really does have their own opinions on everything! I've researched and asked a few questions on running carbon....the majority said carbon was a good idea...The thing is it just needs to be changed quite often. When it gets all "gunky" thats when phosphates will most likely creep their way into the tank....
Speaking of Ro, RO/DI water...yes it is better and reccomended, but there are numerous of people out there who, use plain tap water and water conditioner who have sucessful tanks, or even reefs.
I guess it all comes down to personal prefrences, and what works best for you. In the beginning used tap water, but soon bought an ro/di...and i do run carbon all the time, but I change the carbon almost weekly...never more than 2 weeks (and even thats pushing it)
Ask questions and ask them often, just make sure you take everyone's answer into consideration before jumping the gun, and ruling things out, or buying things!!!



For those of you using tap water.....The expense of an RO/DI filter is quite high if you want a good one. Some people can't afford that (like me). I use Prime to treat my tap water - it removes chlorine, chloramine, ammonia....etc. I mix the salt in a 5 gallon bucket add the prime and aerate it for 48 hours before adding it to my DT. I've never had a problem with my tap water when using Prime. I have always used it. I have heard the RO/DI is better and when I save up a little more, it will be my next purchase. But for now Prime is best for me.
Originally Posted by leeleeah
For those of you using tap water.....The expense of an RO/DI filter is quite high if you want a good one. Some people can't afford that (like me). I use Prime to treat my tap water - it removes chlorine, chloramine, ammonia....etc. I mix the salt in a 5 gallon bucket add the prime and aerate it for 48 hours before adding it to my DT. I've never had a problem with my tap water when using Prime. I have always used it. I have heard the RO/DI is better and when I save up a little more, it will be my next purchase. But for now Prime is best for me.
And you've been sucessful haven't you? You take the extra time to make sure your water is in great condition before adding it to your tank!!!
Point Proven!
Originally Posted by leeleeah
For those of you using tap water.....The expense of an RO/DI filter is quite high if you want a good one. Some people can't afford that (like me). I use Prime to treat my tap water - it removes chlorine, chloramine, ammonia....etc. I mix the salt in a 5 gallon bucket add the prime and aerate it for 48 hours before adding it to my DT. I've never had a problem with my tap water when using Prime. I have always used it. I have heard the RO/DI is better and when I save up a little more, it will be my next purchase. But for now Prime is best for me.
I've never hurd of prime what is it is it like a liquid? Do you buy it at the lfs?


I've never had a problem with water quality at all. I've heard so many people say RO is best , but it wasn't until recently (the past few years) that RO units were being sold. What did people do before that? The best thing to do is use a GOOD quality water conditioner and aerate at least 24-48 hours before adding to the DT if you don't have an RO unit. I also run carbon and change it out once a week.


Prime is a water conditioner made by "Seachem". It removes chlorine, chloramine, ammonia...etc. from tap water. It also detoxifies nitrite and nitrate allowing the biofilter to more efficiently remove them. It converts ammonia into a safe, non-toxic form that is readily removed by the tank's biofilter. It can be used in the cycle process. It also promotes the production and regeneration of the natural slime coat in marine fish.
I have often found prime at my lfs. But petsmart also carried it. I recommend it highly for people who have to use tap. It is about $15.00 for a 8.5 oz bottle and that will last a long time for water changes and top offs. This site also carries it.