how often do you feed your bta?


Well-Known Member
I've had my RBTA for about a year now. She started out in my 55 gallon tank, made the move to the 110, and has been open and happy in the 110 ever since she moved. She has a crevice in the back of a rock that her foot stays in, and she hasn't moved in forever, so I'm guessing she likes that spot.
Only thing is, she's not gotten a whole lot bigger in the year I've had her. Maybe 10-20% bigger.....if that. Until this week, I only let her clownfish feed her, and let her live on photo and whatever the clown brought. I recently bought a pack of silversides and fed her half a 'side yesterday, which she gulped. No sign of the fish today, and the RBTA is open further with more bubble tips than she usually displays, so I'm thinking she loved it! much should she be getting? A full silverside a week? less? Half of a fish every 3-4 days? Or.....just one every couple weeks? I'm not trying to get her to split (though I wouldn't complain) but I am trying to beef her up a little. What say you all?
As for why I call her a her......I have no idea. She's just so pretty!!


I use small pieces about the size of her mouth once a week-2 weeks. if I want a split for some reason I will feed every other day for a week or so its stressful for them to be semi overfed


I seem to found out, when I feed my BTA, it does get larger for the next day or two then poops outs what is left, I feed my BTA every 3-5 days. If you try to feed her and the food just drops out and flows away wait another day or two and then try again. I have heard of people feeding BTA's every 2 days to try to get them to split, but I would rather have one large one.
good luck.


I feed every 2-3 days or after it poops...sometimes its after 2 days. sometimes 3. but i only feed 1/2 a large silverside


Well-Known Member
OK, cool. I started with a half of a silverside yesterday, so I'll wait a couple days and see how she handles it. I want her to grow, but I don't want to stuff her! Tell ya what, definitely got the clown's nose out of joint. I think the clown was pished that *I* fed her....something that is very obviously the clown's job!


hehe just keep a eye on your clown I had to take my old pair of my maroons back to LFS because every time I would feed my BTA the female would pull the sliver slider out of the BTA and toss it away.