how often do you feed your fish?


2 dominio damsels
2 3 strip damsels
2 perc clowns
1 male green madarin
tank size is a 58 breeder full reef with 20 gallon sump/fuge
here are several photos that in some they look skinny but its just the way the picture was takin LOL



Active Member
I feed mine daily at 5:00 pm sharp...unless I'm not home, then they wait until I'm actually home at 5:00 pm sharp...but that's usually not more than a day or so. If they're not fed before lights out, then the only ones that get fed are the cb shrimp and my brittle star (they love their late night krill treats), and I have to make sure that Gary (sand perch) is tucked away for the night or he'll steal krill right off the feeding stick...

Lisa :happyfish