How often do you feed??


I was always told to feed my fish once a day, but it doesn't seem like its enough. I have to feed prime reef and formula one ... for my tangs, and one damsel. But my blue tang eats the formula one as well. But how many times a day do you feed your fish?


2 times a day for me and i spot feed my puffer, CBS, Choco Star and 2 anemones about once every 2 days.

sinner's girl

1-2 times a day. mostly just once, but sometimes if they get feed early (meaning shortly after their lights go on) then the clown will beg for food. so i'll add some more.
I feed bloodworms and brine shrimp.
the serpent star gets bloodworms almost daily (sometimes the fish won't let the food drop down) and about once a week or so I give both stars a piece of shrimp.


Active Member
At MOST, three times a week. Fish can go days on end without eating, and overfeeding is a sure ticket to problems such as cyano, and hair algae.


Active Member
I feed once a day with garlic and brine shrimp mixture. then supplement at night with mysis shrimp for the starfish.

richard rendos

Active Member
I feed my fish once or twice a day...lots of different things. Two types of flake food, 5 or six different frozen foods, and nori. I feed my carpet anemone and serpent stars every three days (silversides).


I feed every other day or even every 2 days. If you have LR and a good population of pods, and some algae growth, your fish will find their own food if they get hungry. Inverts etc will take the algae and fish waste. Less feeding doesn't hurt anything and I think it cuts down on excess nutrients in the water.


Active Member
Every other day. I have 5 kinds of frozen food, formula 1,2, and angel, as well as frozen plankton, etc. I rotate through them, feeding a different frozen food every other day. My butterfly gets nippy when he's hungry, so I will sometimes suppliment with a little flake food on the off days, to keep the butterfly happy (and so also my corals). I dose phytoplankton just about every day as I have lots of filterfeeders.