How often do you test?


Active Member
I wanted to get some feedback on how often you guys / gals test your water parameters. What do you test for and how often?
Currently i test the temp, salanity, AM, NI, NA, PH - and i test about twice a week, onces right before a water change and once right after.
Is it necessary to test AM, NI every time? I've tested about a total of 14 times in the past few weeks and they are always zero. Do you just test when you think something is going on?

Any feedback / input would be appreciated.


mx mr bean

i used to test every week (calcium, phosphates, nitrites, ammonia, Ph, and alkalinity). now that my tanks cycled for a year now i usually only test before water changes and if something looks wrong. however i test calcium weekly in the ever strugling battle to keep my calcium where it should be.


Active Member
I test just before a water change. Nitrates, Calcium and Alkalinity, SG. This will show if I need to dose anything and also if something looks off I may start to test other things. (high nitrates check ammonia and nitrites, Alk or Calc off check ph.)


Active Member
Come on i know everyone tests. I just want to get a feel for if i should stop testing for AM and NI. Tank has been setup for about 3 months.


Active Member
If your tank is cycled I wouldn't test for ammonia and nitrite except after adding a new fish to make sure your tank is ok with the added bioload, or maybe if you mess with your sandbed. I test about once a month.


Active Member
Testing is a part of this hobby and its part of the fun.
I test weekly (usually) for Nitrate. PH, Alk. calcium, phosphates. If the corals tell me to test for ammonium or nitrite I will.