How often do you?


I test my ro/di water occasionally with a little tds meter. The meter was $25 at Ace hardware, and I figure it'll pay for itself pretty quickly considering the cost of ro membranes. I had an ro unit for drinking water before I ever got into the hobby. I split the output and added a di filter for my Biocube 29, and then my 15 gal qt. I'll be setting up a 75 this summer, so I expect I'll be changing the membrane more often, but not before my meter says I have to!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Filters should be changed every six months or 2500 gallons of water produced
Membranes should be replaced every 2-3 years or 12000-18000 gallons of total water produced BUT you should flush your membrane very month or 1000 gallons. Remember your source water is a factor also. If you do not have a TDS meter, get one. If you no longer can produce water with a low TDS reading no mater what the time line or gallons produced are its time for a change


Active Member
how do you flush the membrane... and what if you haven't in the year and a hallf you've had it?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
how do you flush the membrane... and what if you haven't in the year and a hallf you've had it?
Oh sh-t you got me on that one my friend.
Only kidding
Remove the waist water outlet fitting (usually the red tube) and pure RO water fitting (usually blue tube) from the membrane housing.
Switch wastewater outlet fitting and pure RO water fitting connection to membrane housing (connect the blue to where the red was connected and red to where the blue was connected).
Turn on water supply and operate for 15 min. discarding collected water from blue outlet.
After flushing return to original configuration
If after a year of no maintenance your DTS is still low. Just start this membrane mainenance now

bang guy

Chlorine kills RO membranes on contact so don't try to extend the life of the Carbon block. Every 6 months, do it.


Lot of good suggestions in this thread. I thank you for the input.
I originally asked this as I just got an Inline TDS meter for my RO/DI system. And I was concerned that the output was still less then .1 even though the system was up and running for 1 year. But with hearing that the RO really is about a 2 year deal, this makes me feel better and that the meter is reading correctly.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Another trick I employ (I leave my RO unit outside) is rapping my clear canisters with aluminum foil. To keep any algae from forming in them and on the pre filters