How often should i add copeopods to my 24 gallon nano cube for my mandarin goby???


New Member
I have a 24 gallon nano cube and i added a couple thousand copeopods a few weeks before i got my goby, how often should i add the copeopods to keep them stocked in for my fish?


Active Member
this is not an adequate plan to sustain the mandarin.
Im a strong beleiver that you have to train them to eat prepared foods in a small tank.
Good Luck


Do you have a mandarin? if so, what do you feed it? and also, how do you 'train' him to eat prepared foods? And by prepared do you mean Mysis/Brine shrimp? pellets?


Active Member
I do.
My old one is the mandarin for sale on this site
he met his match to a lionfish after about 15 months in my tank.. long story.
But I have a new one for about 3 months now (in my 24g AP) He will eat brine/mysis occaisionally, but goes crazy for blood worms. There is a LFS that sells live bloodworms too, so I occaisionally buy him the live ones for the excitement
, and Ill also buy live brine, let them bulk up on food for about 24 hours and then offer them to the mandarin. Most people put the mandarin in a breeder net to watch it closer. start by offering live brine, then slowly trick your mandarin by mixing frozen into the live brine you offer so the fish doesnt know the difference.
The frozen food is a supplement to the fish's diet, and he also picks copepods/critters all day off the rocks. but he is fat and very vibrant so I know he is getting the nutrition he needs.
If you are lucky, you can get them to eat pellets.. and thats the best!
Turn off your pumps when feeding, its easier for the fish to not have to chase the food.
heres my baby recently

Good Luck


I bought my spotted dragonette from the LFS already eating frozen brine shrimp. I feed him by using a turkey baster. I defrost the food in a little cup then shoot it at the clowns and shrimp and finally I shoot it right at my Dragonette. I am going to start supplementing with pods. My dragonette seems happy though!


+1 to training him to eat prepaired food. i put mine in a 10g for a few days and i added cappods for the first 2 weeks then i slowly started with my turky baster shooting brine and mysis at him and he ate that more then he did the pods. now he just gets a smaller shot and eats what falls to the floor/tank bottem.


Active Member
spotted mandarins are known to take prepared foods MUCH more willingly than green mandarins.