How often should I dip the corals?


New Member
I can find post after post about coral dips but I can't find how often it should be done. I'm using Kent's Tech D for a torch, a hammerhead, and a xenia. They've been thru alot and are basically just melting away. How often should I dip? How do I know when to stop?
Also, should you dip mushrooms?


Active Member
Only dip them once before adding to the tank if you wish, then only when you see any problems with them worth dipping. Continually giving corals dips would do more bad than good, as I fear what could be happening right now.
What are you treating them for?


New Member
I've researched the coral diseases but I can't be sure exactly.
The torch is slowly wasting away. It used to have 9 full heads but 7 are now skeletons. The remaining 2 are colorless and retracted. Suspected brown jelly disease but can't be sure.
The hammerhead was dipped as a preventative. We only have one QT tank and all the corals & mushroom are in there so if it is brown jelly, we don't want the hammerhead to get it. It's very healthy.
The xenia has slowly shrunk down to almost nothing, literally.
The mushroom looks like a goner but I wanted to try anyways.
By the way, I've only done the dip once on each item for about half the time the bottle recommended.
Quick backstory: All these items were thriving in our main tank and then some unfortunate things happened and we suspect the ammonia spiked. All were moved to a QT tank about a week ago where we're trying to nurture them back to health.


Active Member
if it's brown jelly it can attack xenia really fast. Have you tried siphoning off thewith airling tubing? Supposedly dips aren't that effective on soft corals.
KIM- this is just from my research and I have no hands on experience but I soak up information and am researching like mad.


Active Member
I looked it up and you may try and antibotic like chloramphenicol. But there's a proper way to administer this and should be done in a hospital tank and with gloves.


Active Member
I've never used Kent's Tech D, but for brown jelly disease I would recommend using Lugol's iodine diluted with tank water as a dip or bath. The iodine would also act as a general antibiotic and antiparasitic treatment.