How often should I feed my Green Wolf Eel?


I just got my green wolf eel last night. After like 30 min I threw in 2 Rosey Reds, and they lasted like 10 sec. But I wondering how often should I feed him? Once a day? Twice a day? Once every other day? ect? And I know what EVERYONE is going to say, DON'T FEED HIM FEEDER FISH... well I'm sorry but I'm going to probably 1/4 or 1/2 of the time. If he dies later, then he dies... But its SOOOOO boring watching them eat frozen food or whatever. So I'll be feeding ghost shrimp and rosey reds.... how ofter, and how many should I feed?


My buddy is the manager at Jacks.. he said that they've had the green wolf eel there for a few months. They have feed him nothing but rosey reds... He seems to be doing great off of them. Besides, they said the had tried to feed him other stuff.. and he wouldn't take. So I just wanted advise on how often I should feed. I just didn't want to hear how bad it is to feed him this when that's all he's ever had, and that's all he'll eat.
I'm a total aminal lover, and I did not want to make it seem like I could care less if he dies. But I'm not going to strav him cuz this seems to be the only thing he'll eat.


You see, the thing is, it is rather hard to starve a fish. They can go for a long time without eating.
Feeding it something that is giving it no nutrition at all will keep it alive for only so long. Your eel will be short-lived.


Active Member
If there is one constant in this hobby it's that there is more than one way to skin a cat (no pun there kitty kitty).
If your wolf has only eaten live food and that's all it knows then you should retrain it to eating non live or provide it live saltwater fish. Freshwater fish have a completely different biology which will result in illness in the long run. Many saltwater fish that only eat 'live' in the wild have been converted over.
Start by not feeding for a few days. I only feed my wolf every other day under normal circumstances. Let your wolf get a little hungry and then offer something like thawed frozen krill or even better, thawed frozen large silversides. (Sand eels work great too.) Place them on a skewer and move the food in front of your eel. You want to generate the strike response.
Keep this up until they start eating the frozen. It may take a week or so. Don't worry, your eel won't starve.
Mine only eats frozen but I'll thaw a large shrimp and drop it opposite side of the tank and watch him hunt it down and scarf it up.
If you take the take to convert him over he'll be heathier and you'll still get a great feeding response.
Good Luck!


I concur with jumpfrog on this one. Your going to need to ween your fish into eating the appropriate food.