how often should i feed my SFE?

ive have been searching for topics on feeding snowflake eels, but cant seems to find someone with one the size of ours and how often they feed it. my wife read alot of posts about eels turn on fish in the tank even if the fish were way bigger then the eel because the eel wasnt feed enough. so i was wondering how often and how much i should feed mine. we just put him in today, and i feed him about 5 krill, he took them all down easy. he is about 12 to 14" or so, but still has a small mouth, so im guessing he is still not very old. should i feed him every other day? or every 3 days? and how many krill should i feed him when i do? TIA


i like to feed mine about every third day. I usually feed him enough until he starts refusing the food. I have a friend that also uses this method and it has worked quite well.


i've had mine since he was 6 inches or less. now he is almost 24 inches! I feed him daily until he refuses food. He is housed with lion puffer yellow tang and 2 blue damsels. He has been with many inhabitants such as green chromis's etc. Has never eaten anything that i dont feed him personally. As i still feed him by hand, i think he got the picture to only eat what the hand feeds him! good luck they are such a freakin cool fish! i love mine!! :)


My Snowflake Eel is over 24inches long and has a LARGE appetite. I feed him with a similar regiment as the others, only I feed every other day until full.
My eel has taken a few tankmates, but I believe this is the exception.
As for feeding it by hand... I'd stay away from that as SFE's often strike wildly at food with poor eyesite.