How often should I feed?


Hello... just wondering a very newbie question, how often should I be feeding my damsels? The guy at my LFS said only once a day, but Im used to feeding my freshie fish twice a day. Thank you for answering such a stupid question.


I only feed once a day in the late afternoon. Some people feed every couple of days. IMO I would not feed twice a day as it would add too much extra waste that would need to be processed.
My .02


I switched a couple of weeks ago to feeding every other day. I'm fighting an algea problem, and so far this feeding method IS NOT WORKING. :mad: Sorry for venting.


Im having major algae problems as well. Im thinking of cutting to every other day as well than start cutting back on lighting.


Active Member
I have a single fiji blue devil in my fuge...i feed him when i think about it...which isnt too often about once every 2-3 days...he seems to be doing fine as he has been in this situation for about 5-6 months now.


One of the great things about SW is that many fish will find their own food if you don't feed them every day. Many will eat algae or pods. I moved from an apartment to a house recently but left my tank in the apt. for about 3 1/2 months while not living there. I fed once or maybe twice a week and my clown and 6 line wrasse did fine and not being there often I could see how much they had grown.