how often to change MH, PC, and fuge bulbs?


Active Member
need to know how often these need to be changed.
the MH bulbs are 400 watts and run about 6 hours a day
powercompact are 65 watts
the fuge bulb is 65 watt shop-type coiled bulb.
I've mostly heard 1 year for MH and 6 months for powercompact, but I've also heard up to a year for pc and well over a year for MH.


Active Member
your right with the 1 year for MH's and 6-8 months for PC's, it depends on what kind of bulbs you have on your fuge, if its pc' you can probley go alittle longer than 8 months for the fuge


Active Member
I use my old PC bulbs FOR the fuge...
After all that's why we change them from the main tank...they go out of spectrum and grow algae... my fuge (algal scrubber) that's what I "want" to do..!!
Does buld longevity differ with the standard halides and the hqi's? This was something I wanted to ask as weel just had not gotten around to it.